Thursday, March 27, 2014

Micro Improvements - How to Improve Your Fitness Level Step by Step

Some people think you have to make big fitness gains in a week, or that somehow fitness goals should happen faster than a drive through restaurant. Well, you can lose your level of fitness that fast, but it works a bit slower when trying to build a better body. However, just knowing that you are improving bit by bit, every day may ease your mind in this area.

Enter, Micro Improvements.  Just like investing money and dealing with the monetary phenomenon that is compound interest, fitness works the same way. If you consistently put in the time and effort, you will begin to incrementally and eventually exponentially grow towards your fitness goals.

You can make Micro Improvements everywhere, whether you are improving your cardio, burning fat or increasing your dynamic or static flexibility. Maybe today your legs got .05% stronger, your cardio increased by .025%. Very small numbers but over time they begin to multiply and overlap helping to push each section and system of the body to greater feats. The human body is a phenomenal machine.

The big take away from this small, hopefully, thought provoking post, is that your body IS a machine. Each movement or exercise you do should incorporate your whole body working as a unit to make each movement as natural and efficient as possible. Machines are called machines because the individual parts work together, and if you steadily improve each part of the machine, the machine’s overall performance will improve.
Benjamin Moriniere aka "Sensei"