Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Student of the Month January 2013 - William Woods, Youth Yudansha MMA

The student of the month for January 2013 would have to be William Woods. This awesome youngster just tested out for his blue belt in Yudansha Fighting System MMA. Not only is he doing a great job in martial arts, but he constantly improves his attitude and smile, and even helps out and shows newer kids what to do. We are proud to have him as part of this academy.

Benjamin Moriniere SENSEI
Capoeira Academy Okinawa / Yudansha MMA Okinawa

Monday, January 28, 2013

The 3 Reasons You Need to Do Girl World: Ladies Only Kickboxing

Girl World, Ladies Kickboxing is the revolutionary, or not so revolutionary, concept created by Benjamin Moriniere in Okinawa, Japan. Girl World is an interesting hybrid between what some would call "cardio" kickboxing, self-defense, and fighter training. Our ladies learn to "Get Fit, Without Getting Hit" (much).

We are delighted that the program has continued to grow and we believe it will continue to grow for the following reasons:

Ladies Only

No egos, or stinky, smelly guys trying to out do each other. Ladies Only means just that, ladies working out together having a great time. The class creates an atmosphere of comaraderie more than it does one of competition. Moreover it creates a comfortable place where ladies who are not in the best shape, or have low confidence or self-esteem, can develop strong bodies and strong minds.

Practical Self Defense

Though everyone enjoys the crazy workouts we do, as teachers we also strive to ensure that each lady is learning practical self defense. Part of the confidence that our students begin to show, comes from knowing how powerful they really are when they learn to use their bodies properly. Our curriculum (under Yudansha Fighting System, registered under World Kickboxing Association) covers modern Muay Thai movements from Beginner to Advanced and Instructor Levels. Students also have the option to take our Instructor's Course when they have reached a certain level in their training. As Instructors they learn to empart knowledge to others on a more technical level, while continuously developing their own skills and abilities.

Weight Loss and Strength/Cardio Conditioning

Some say that every woman's dream is to find the perfect husband, but that is completely wrong. Every woman's dream is to eat whatever they want to and never gain weight! (=

Well, the great thing about Ladies Kickboxing is that we work very hard in the strength, conditioning and weight loss department. For those who need extra help we go into nutrition as well. Ladies in our classes burn anywhere from 500 to over 1000 calories an hour depending on their age and body type.

You see, losing weight, getting in shape, and learning self defense does not have to be intimidating. Whether you are 7 or 77 you need to build and maintain a healthy body. Coupled with healthy eating and by the grace of God, you will live a long time.  Growing old is inevitable, but growing old with grace and confidence, being able to enjoy life as the years go by, is something the majority of us are choosing with our actions every single day.

Benjamin "Sensei" Moriniere

Register for our  3-Trial Class for $19.99 on our homepage. See you here!

Tips from Capoeira Masters

When you stand in the presence of great teachers or masters, you know you are going to learn something. Not only are you going to learn something profound about martial arts, but about life. This past weekend I spent a great amount of time with my Capoeira teacher Mestre Sucuri and Professor Takeshi Ichikawa (Linguica). Here are some amazing nuggets of knowledge and wisdom that I added to my life:


One of the most profound statements I have ever heard about Capoeira came from Professor Takeshi Ichikawa. He is considered the best berimbau player in Japan, and I got to spend a large amount of time working on my berimbau abilities alongside of him. However, what he said truly opened my eyes.

He said, "When you play berimbau you everyone should  have goosebumps."

He spoke about how Capoeira is unique in the fact that most martial arts teach you to disregard your emotions, but Capoeira embraces emotions.


Mestre Sucuri says to me that, "Martial arts is just like a chess game, you can't go straight for the check mate, the check mate comes through careful movements back and forth until some yells BOOM CHECKMATE. The reason so many people "lose" is because they try to force it. Let th game develop and like Professor Linguica added, you will see the many opportunities that people pass up all the time.

I thought this was profound for many reasons, but the main reason was that as emotional beings we tend to miss the point that the other person in the Capoeira roda, or life, is trying to control the outcome as much as we are, and can manipulate our emotions until we come charging in and make a mistake. Realizing that it is a chess game and becoming a master at it is the key to Capoeira, martial arts and life.


Professor Takeshi also spoke about how each Capoeira game is different and how we all wear masks. Everytime we go into the roda with even the same person, it is different. Maybe today you are sad, or you are angry, or I can tell you are out to get me.I have to be able to FEEL this. Or I can see how hard you are playing everyone and while I am waiting to jump in I have formulated a plan on how to play you, because you have revealed your state of mind and emotion.

He went on to share that as we approach life or the roda we come with masks on to try and hide our true feelings, our bad or good day, and even our intentions. However, the masterful player is going to get beyond those masks, with a swift kick to the stomach, or dominating the game to the point of you frustration, or even calming the game with a chamada. This really hit home because he is Japanese, and Japanese people are well know for their Tatamae, the ability to conceal ones emotions in a public setting at will.

These are only a few of the lessons I learned in an incredible weekend with Mestre Sucuri and Professor Linquica. I am always looking forward to spending more time training with them and the Capoeira Zoador family in Tokyo.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Question: What Positive Effects has Martial Arts Made on your Life?

People want to know what positive effects martial arts can have on their lives or the lives of their children. Let me share with you the positive effects it has had on my own life, and by the time we get to the end of this post, I hope that you can identify with a few of my points and stories, as well as come up with a few of your own.

Healthier Me

The first and most obvious effect martial arts have had on my life is the healthy lifestyle that it perpetuates. I feel in more shape in some sense, than when I was younger, and I definitely wish that what I know now about health, fitness and martial arts, I knew 10 years ago. It is a process though.
When I miss a few days of training I can feel the difference in my body, from fatigue to flexibility and even speed and agility.  Right now I don’t miss many days of training; especially since I teach 5/6 days a week, but when I am injured and such I find a way to do some sort of training. There is a terrible dread of starting from scratch and working the body back in shape, so I do what I can as much as I can.


Martial arts have given me the awesome opportunity to teach, to change lives one student at a time. Not everyone has a wish to teach, and not everyone has a gift for it, but I am glad it is one of my gifts and passions, because it has been most rewarding.  I look forward to every day, because I know the students are ready and willing to learn, bright eyed and bushy tailed no matter their age.
I also make it a point to keep learning and keep training on my own and with my teachers so that I can 1) become a better martial artist, and 2) so that I can pass it along to my students.  John C. Maxwell’s Law of the Lid always comes to mind, I am the “lid” in my school and my students will only go as high as I am right now. So in order to raise the bar… I must continue to push myself to new levels.


Ohh the friends I have made during my time as a martial artist. WOW. From my students to other teachers and their students I have encountered… so many people, so many places. You can form some solid relationships putting in hard work next to some great people. I am sure it is because of the way you motivate each other to kick harder, do one more pushup or congratulate each other on making it through a tough session.
Having friends in class and around the world is one of the main reasons that people continue training. It is definitely not because everyone wants to train hardcore every day, there are only a few those crazy folks in the world (me included). Generally, people truly look forward to seeing their friends in class.

Memorable Experiences

As a martial artist I have experienced a plethora of amazing events and people. From visiting or having my own teachers visit, Mestre Sucuri for Capoeira, Sensei Martin Suarez for Yudansha MMA, to training with Mestre Acordeon for two workshops in Tokyo and even being personally trained  by the UFC’s top Strength and Conditioning Coach, Kevin Kearns  (Burn with Kearns), it has been amazing. Not to mention all of the fights, tournaments, championship bouts, flying to different locales and staying in great hotels (or not so great), performances and demos for cultural events, colleges, schools, parades and festivals, interviews for radio and tv commercials, the list goes on.
I think the most memorable point about all of these happenings, is the smiles on the faces of parents and students. That is what makes it truly special and memorable.
These are the significant, positive effects martial arts has had on my life thus far, and I looking forward to many more great things to come in the future.  I hope that martial arts is having the same effect for you, and if you don’t have all of these points, keep pushing forward and I am sure you will have lots of your own stories soon.

Benjamin “Sensei” Moriniere
Capoeira Academy Okinawa / Yudansha MMA
Okinawa, Japan

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Why Did you Start Training in Martial Arts?

Mark Dacascos learns the art of Capoeira Karate with Mestre Amen Santo. Capoeira is a form of brasilian karate that incorporates movement, music, and martial arts. Mark trains exclusively in K-Swiss attire.Why did you start training in martial arts? Why did we all start training in martial arts? For most of us it was a  Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan movie, or even Only the Strong, the Capoeira classic starring Mark Dacascos. One thing is for sure, there are no shortages of martial arts action stars to prick the interest of people around the world.  For my generation, we had our action stars, but now we have real life, full-contact champions going toe-to-toe every weekend in companies like the UFC and in some fight league in every city and town around the world.

In my younger life, my family had much more important needs to spend money on so that my attendance in martial arts training was not consistent. Sure, I got to join a few, but never stayed very long. To be honest though, as a young man I had intense anger problems due to bullying and such, that would not see me stay in such classes.

At that time in my life, I was one of the ones that could not be enlightened by martial arts lessons. This proved true as every lesson was intensely studied so as exact vengeance (or at least defend myself) from any onslaughts that may have occurred.  I grew up in a part of Texas where racism was very prevalent, and as one of the only African American families in town, or students in the school, I received a lot of badgering at the hands of peers, parents, teachers and even principals bent on maintaining an ignorant view of the world.

Even though I was at the top of my class in academics, I spend a lot of time in trouble due to the lack of anger management.

So, my martial arts career took off during the last half of high school and snowballed into college and definitely once I graduated. Basically, as funding became more readily available, I got deeper and deeper into the martial arts. My love for the martial arts has always been strong, and I train hard everyday to improve upon a foundation established by great teahers throughout my journey. I am truly thankful for all the great times, great friends and great memories martial arts has brought to my life.

SO, why did you start martial arts? What is your story?


Benjamin "Sensei" Moriniere

Capoeira Academy Okinawa +Capoeira Academy Okinawa

Monday, January 21, 2013

The Importance of Having Martial Arts Curriculum

All of our lives we have been attending schools, and from grade school to college we have been learning and rarely taking thought of the process to get us to graduation or a degree. However, teachers go to great lengths to develop curriculum for students and to also figure out how to get each unique student to the desired goal.
      As a martial arts business, Capoeira Academy Okinawa believes that the curriculum is the core navigational tool of any martial arts academy, or at least it should be. A person that is looking for a school should question any school that does not have a professional curriculum, and here is why...

      No Plan? Then how do you know when you have Arrived?

      The most obvious reason that martial arts curriculum is needed is that it plans out the process for teachers, students and parents from start to several goal points.  Of course knowing what the material is, is only half of the journey to such goals, the other half is being able to apply them as needed. The curriculum should serve as a road map to success.

     Students know where they are in the Journey.

      Everyone wants to know how far they are along, whether they ask or not. So, we do our best to make it as transparent as possible. Again students need to know and be able to apply their material.  More importantly students who miss classes for one reason or another, know exactly what they missed on certain dates. When they know they missed it, they know that they are still accountable to learn the material.

     Students have a Standard to Follow.

      At Capoeira Academy Okinawa adults and youth have the same testing requirements... Know your stuff!  When it comes to testing time, or it comes to parents wondering why their child has not moved up, it is very easy to show them, per the curriculum what a certain student is lacking or exceeding in. This cuts out the subjectivity of giving belts before they are deserved or to keep students enrolled as some schools do. As instructors we must WANT to produce quality students, and sometimes that means letting people quit, who want someone to hand them rank just because they showed up to class. That is the wrong approach, because students should be promoted because they progressed. 

      So, as you go forth and conquer as a martial arts teacher and school, remember that your curriculum is one of the most vital tools you can have to reach greater and greater success. Make it, use it, implement it, follow it, hold yourself and others to it.

Benjamin "Sensei" Moriniere

Capoeira Academy Okinawa
Capoeira - Ladies Only Kickboxing - Yudansha MMA

Sunday, January 20, 2013

What Makes Capoeira Academy Okinawa Different?

Maculele at Mihama (American Village)
We all know that every teacher and every martial arts school (or business) likes to think of themselves as unique. Though being unique is hard to put into words, here are the reasons why Capoeira Academy Okinawa, Yudansha MMA and Girl World - Ladies Only Kickboxing are different.

We are a Professional School, not Hobbyist

The first aspect of Capoeira Academy Okinawa is that we are not a school of hobbyist teaching other people to be hobbyist. In other words we are professional instructors, and by professional we mean that we are not going to make excuses for ourselves, nor on the behalf of students or parents. We teach the best we can, and leave it all out on the mat. One of the saddest commentaries of a martial artist is being unable to use what they have been learning for years. What we are learning must not only be fun and promote a healthier lifestyle, but also provide practical self defense and a means for a student's mind to begin to think outside of the box as the years pass. 

We Honor the Teacher - Student Agreement

      Capoeira Academy Okinawa also places great focus on the Teacher - Student agreement. There must not only be chemistry for a lasting Teacher - Student agreement, but as teachers we must understand that when a student pays their hard earned money, it is an agreement that each instructor will do their best to see that student get better much faster than they did. As teachers, we look forward to each generation of students evolving for the better. No one gives a teacher money so they can stay the same. Conversely, a student must understand that they will not like everything a teacher asks them to do in order to reach the next level, but that's what teachers do; they help you to reach your goals.

We Foster a Culture of Improvement

      At Capoeira Academy Okinawa, our instructors strive to improve every aspect of our training. This means we constantly evaluate how we train as teachers, how much better students are getting over a period of time, and the fun/wow factor from week to week.  Constant improvement and change is a necessity and each instructor is trained to be a technician at breaking down movements, body mechanics, heart rate, nutrition, etc. to help students reach their goals.

    We Have a Heart for People

     Though listed last, Having a Heart for People, is the most important part of what we do, and what our instructors maintain. As instructors, we have a heart of gratitude in full understanding that it is a privilege, not a right for someone to call you "Sensei." As such, each instructor radiates with a genuine, big smile and a big heart. People are discouraged all day, bored, stressed out at work, etc., so when they come into Capoeira Academy Okinawa we want to provide a place to work off stress,  find some quiet time (to punch something), make new friends and just generally enjoy life through training.

      Thank you for taking the time to read our blog, please feel free to comment or leave us a message.

      Capoeira Academy Okinawa / Yudansha MMA / Ladies Only Kickboxing

Thursday, January 17, 2013

3 Things that Keep you from Reaching your Goals ~ Excuses, Second Guessing and Distractions

We all have goals, whether small or big, but we all take a different amount of time and effort to reach them, if we reach them at all.
So, why is it that some people seem to meet goal after goal in their personal or business lives, while others can’t keep putting one foot in front of the other?
Well, the answer is quite simple really. This world is not made to just allow you to do something great without some sweat, tears, blood, time, effort, dedication and determination. Moreover, there are three major obstacles that will deter you from your goals every time… if you don’t get the upper hand.


We all make excuses, but that is not the point. The point is that we must do our BEST to minimize them or eliminate them as we feel them rising up in our mind or on the tip of our tongue. Every time we make an excuse we compound the obstacles that are preventing us from reaching our goals. In other words, excuses are what really make “mountains out of mole hills.” The more excuses we make, the larger the mountain we have to climb.  Eliminate excuses, or at least hold yourself accountable to your spouse, friend, or training partner by asking them to help you out by being honest enough to tell you when you are making excuses!

Second Guessing

Many times in this journey of life, or in the martial arts journey, we second guess what we should be doing. We start out hard charging, and then somewhere along the line, bad times, discouragement or disappointment come to rip our goals and dreams from our hands. I cannot tell you how many times I had to learn the lesson that there is a breaking point that you just have to get past. That breaking point is always right before your breakthrough. In other words, how many times have you given up on a task because of second guessing, or even impatience, but as soon as you quit… what you were waiting for happened.  Don’t second guess, because nothing great can be accomplished without a bit of risk. Believe that you can achieve what you have set out to do, and go after it with all of your might.


Time wasters are such a big part of life nowadays, from entertainment to social media. Not that any of these are bad, but we all know we spend too much time doing the wrong thing, or getting sucked into Youtube for 30 minutes at a time.  Distractions do just that - distract. Have you ever gone for a long run? As we go for the jog or run of life, inevitably there are barking dogs, people that will chat with you too long, muscles that cramp, a mind that grows weak, and of course hunger that sets in. All of these are distractions that slow down our progress in some way or another. Recognize distractions, just like you recognize when you are making excuses or second guessing yourself. Learn to minimize and move distractions to the side.  Remember as well, it is not necessarily the person or thing that is distracting, but it may be the wrong timing to engage with them.
In conclusion, Excuses, Second Guessing and Distractions are designed to slow you down or prevent you from reaching your goals. Decide before you get started that you are going to do what it takes to reach your goals. No, I am not talking about unethical or immoral methods, but simple diligence and hard work. They pay off with interest!

~Benjamin Sensei
Capoeira Academy Okinawa / Yudansha MMA (Jiu-jitsu, Judo, Arnis, Kickboxing)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

3 Ways Capoeira Training Can Improve Your Health

Capoeira, The original Afro-Brazilian martial art created sometime in the late 1400's or early 1500's by African slaves brought to Brazil, is one of the most unique and dynamic martial arts around today. Its mesmerizing movements, feints and attacks are not just beautiful to watch though. You will find those who practice with determination can increase their overall health.

Training in Capoeira has many health benefits. I think these benefits, which far outweigh how tough the training can look to a beginner, will help motivate you to give Capoeira a try.

1. Extreme Cardio, Strength and Conditioning

After a couple minutes of partner drills where you are moving in and out, ducking, dodging, spinning and jumping you will find that you may be a bit winded and that there are some muscles you have not used in a while. Capoeira is very much a language between two people, and the more you and your partner get into training, the more you both get out of it. After a few months of practice you will know your body like never before, and it will be stronger, lighter, quicker than it has ever been. You will find that when you do other activities like jogging or playing basketball you will have a lot more energy for the long haul.

2. Build Efficient, Effective Bodies

Most of the problems that people have, health wise, come from bad habits. When it comes to our bodies, the number one bad habit we have is NOT USING IT. For some people, their jobs require them to stay fit, but for everyone else sitting behind a desk or around the house all day, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, lungs, etc. are all being underused.  How does this translate into health... easy, you bend down to pick up a pen you dropped and boom...  your back is out for a week. Your body gives out because it is not used to doing anything strenuous, or at least something that will cause it to learn to work more efficiently.  Enter Capoeira....

Capoeira training causes one's body to cope with the rigors of the ridiculous movements. The movements inherently build slow and quick twitch muscle fibers, enhance breathing and blood flow, build flexibility, build hand and eye coordination, balance and much more. All of these thing contribute to making our bodies more efficient and effective machines. We will move better, feel better, heal faster, because we are fine tuning our bodies.

3. Fun - Forever Fun

Once a person starts Capoeira, and gets a chance to see many of the groups who do it, they instantly notice that everyone is smiling and having a great time. They also notice that most of the grand masters, are quite old. They are 50 to 70 years old and unless they have developed some sort of sickness or have had a major injury, they are still as cat like as they were as teenagers.

Capoeira truly has a unique way of pulling you in and showing you how great it can be to train hard, to smile while doing it, to be as gentle or aggressive as you would like, but also respecting each other. Mix that with music, dance and the grace to hopefully keep doing it for years and years and you really have something magical on your hands.

Well, I hope you enjoyed my take on 3 ways Capoeira Training can Improve your Health. If you have any questions or comments please reply. Thank you.

~ Benjamin Moriniere is a martial arts instructor, consultant and entrepreneur currently living in Okinawa, Japan   +Capoeira Academy Okinawa

Monday, January 14, 2013

A Friendly Exchange - Welcome Back to Capoeira Academy Okinawa

Welcome to 2013

Well, it is mid-January 2013 and most of our students are returning back to class. What an awesome 2012 we had, and 2013 will be even better. This year, like years past, we have so many great events, performances, workshops for everyone and definitely the big batizado, our 8th Annual, from May 31 - June 2.

In this video Shin and I exchange a greeting in the roda. I say to Shin, Welcome back! and Shin says... "Ahhh," "Ouch" and "Sensei ga kowai!"    (=

All in good fun. Keep Training Hard, Keep Training Often.

Gi VS No Gi Training

Gi and No Gi Training in Modern BJJ/Grappling

Sometimes people ask me what I think about Gi versus No Gi training. Well that is a great question for many reasons, but I think they key is understanding the difference between sport and self defense. Though modern grappling and BJJ is used by a large number of people as a sport, we must realize that wrestling, grappling, BJJ and JJJ should first and foremost be considered martial arts and self defense training. The sport aspects have historically been used by individuals in times past to hone their skills off of the battlefield.  Never forget that.  To hone COMBAT skills in a non-lethal, competitive environment.

To specifically answer the question is very simple for me, if you plan on continuing in a certain sport i.e wrestling or BJJ then continue to practice what is necessary to succeed in those sports. However, from a purely self-defense/martial arts  point of view, statistically speaking, the large majority of people we may have a confrontation with in our lives will be wearing clothes. It would behoove us then to spend time learning to manipulate clothing in martial situations to provide us a higher success rating in critical situations.

Changing Lives at Capoeira Academy Okinawa

Changing lives one class at at time.... 

I think as instructors we are always working so hard, and working so fast that we fail to see the impact we can have on lives as a role model. Of course change is easy to see when you step away for a second and look at the big picture in the school or an individual's life. But it is down the road, days, weeks or years from now that you truly understand the impact you had on an adult or youth's life. That is why it should be every instructor's goal to live up to the role of a role model. A role model may not be what we want to be, but by the very nature of what we do it is inevitable. It is inevitable that we pass on upstanding character and integrity by our actions inside and outside of the academy, studio or dojo. It is our duty to not only teach people martial arts and self defense, but teach them about life. +Capoeira Academy Okinawa