Thursday, January 17, 2013

3 Things that Keep you from Reaching your Goals ~ Excuses, Second Guessing and Distractions

We all have goals, whether small or big, but we all take a different amount of time and effort to reach them, if we reach them at all.
So, why is it that some people seem to meet goal after goal in their personal or business lives, while others can’t keep putting one foot in front of the other?
Well, the answer is quite simple really. This world is not made to just allow you to do something great without some sweat, tears, blood, time, effort, dedication and determination. Moreover, there are three major obstacles that will deter you from your goals every time… if you don’t get the upper hand.


We all make excuses, but that is not the point. The point is that we must do our BEST to minimize them or eliminate them as we feel them rising up in our mind or on the tip of our tongue. Every time we make an excuse we compound the obstacles that are preventing us from reaching our goals. In other words, excuses are what really make “mountains out of mole hills.” The more excuses we make, the larger the mountain we have to climb.  Eliminate excuses, or at least hold yourself accountable to your spouse, friend, or training partner by asking them to help you out by being honest enough to tell you when you are making excuses!

Second Guessing

Many times in this journey of life, or in the martial arts journey, we second guess what we should be doing. We start out hard charging, and then somewhere along the line, bad times, discouragement or disappointment come to rip our goals and dreams from our hands. I cannot tell you how many times I had to learn the lesson that there is a breaking point that you just have to get past. That breaking point is always right before your breakthrough. In other words, how many times have you given up on a task because of second guessing, or even impatience, but as soon as you quit… what you were waiting for happened.  Don’t second guess, because nothing great can be accomplished without a bit of risk. Believe that you can achieve what you have set out to do, and go after it with all of your might.


Time wasters are such a big part of life nowadays, from entertainment to social media. Not that any of these are bad, but we all know we spend too much time doing the wrong thing, or getting sucked into Youtube for 30 minutes at a time.  Distractions do just that - distract. Have you ever gone for a long run? As we go for the jog or run of life, inevitably there are barking dogs, people that will chat with you too long, muscles that cramp, a mind that grows weak, and of course hunger that sets in. All of these are distractions that slow down our progress in some way or another. Recognize distractions, just like you recognize when you are making excuses or second guessing yourself. Learn to minimize and move distractions to the side.  Remember as well, it is not necessarily the person or thing that is distracting, but it may be the wrong timing to engage with them.
In conclusion, Excuses, Second Guessing and Distractions are designed to slow you down or prevent you from reaching your goals. Decide before you get started that you are going to do what it takes to reach your goals. No, I am not talking about unethical or immoral methods, but simple diligence and hard work. They pay off with interest!

~Benjamin Sensei
Capoeira Academy Okinawa / Yudansha MMA (Jiu-jitsu, Judo, Arnis, Kickboxing)

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