Monday, January 28, 2013

The 3 Reasons You Need to Do Girl World: Ladies Only Kickboxing

Girl World, Ladies Kickboxing is the revolutionary, or not so revolutionary, concept created by Benjamin Moriniere in Okinawa, Japan. Girl World is an interesting hybrid between what some would call "cardio" kickboxing, self-defense, and fighter training. Our ladies learn to "Get Fit, Without Getting Hit" (much).

We are delighted that the program has continued to grow and we believe it will continue to grow for the following reasons:

Ladies Only

No egos, or stinky, smelly guys trying to out do each other. Ladies Only means just that, ladies working out together having a great time. The class creates an atmosphere of comaraderie more than it does one of competition. Moreover it creates a comfortable place where ladies who are not in the best shape, or have low confidence or self-esteem, can develop strong bodies and strong minds.

Practical Self Defense

Though everyone enjoys the crazy workouts we do, as teachers we also strive to ensure that each lady is learning practical self defense. Part of the confidence that our students begin to show, comes from knowing how powerful they really are when they learn to use their bodies properly. Our curriculum (under Yudansha Fighting System, registered under World Kickboxing Association) covers modern Muay Thai movements from Beginner to Advanced and Instructor Levels. Students also have the option to take our Instructor's Course when they have reached a certain level in their training. As Instructors they learn to empart knowledge to others on a more technical level, while continuously developing their own skills and abilities.

Weight Loss and Strength/Cardio Conditioning

Some say that every woman's dream is to find the perfect husband, but that is completely wrong. Every woman's dream is to eat whatever they want to and never gain weight! (=

Well, the great thing about Ladies Kickboxing is that we work very hard in the strength, conditioning and weight loss department. For those who need extra help we go into nutrition as well. Ladies in our classes burn anywhere from 500 to over 1000 calories an hour depending on their age and body type.

You see, losing weight, getting in shape, and learning self defense does not have to be intimidating. Whether you are 7 or 77 you need to build and maintain a healthy body. Coupled with healthy eating and by the grace of God, you will live a long time.  Growing old is inevitable, but growing old with grace and confidence, being able to enjoy life as the years go by, is something the majority of us are choosing with our actions every single day.

Benjamin "Sensei" Moriniere

Register for our  3-Trial Class for $19.99 on our homepage. See you here!

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