Sunday, March 10, 2013

3 Reasons Women SHOULD Do MMA

Yudansha MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) is comprised of training in Jiu-jitsu, Judo, Kickboxing and Arnis (Filipino Knife and Blade). It is a well-rounded approach to martial arts, a holistic view if you would. No one style do we call better, but we know that we should strive to become the best we can at each phase of martial combat, e.g. striking, clinching and grappling.

For women, MMA and Jiu-jitsu have not been very popular sports. While there are plenty of women doing the sports, there are far more who shy away from all the bodily contact, the machismo attitudes and the ruffians who don't know their own strength and beat all the would-be, dedicated female students to shreds.

The first thing that women should realize, and teachers for that matter, is that people train for different reasons. Most women train for self defense and only a few train for competition. Don't be afraid to voice your opinion to your instructor, and instructors don't hesitate to ask these important questions. Not everyone determines a great class by how many bruises they have on their body.

Most people want to learn in a safe, de-pressurized environment where they can excel at a steady pace without being thrown to the wolves in any aspect of their training.

So, now that we have prepared the foundation of information, here are the 3 Reasons Why Women SHOULD Do Yudansha MMA.

1. Practical Self Defense

People are crazy out there nowadays. You never know when an emergency might arise and what you will need to do in that situation. Survival mode will kick in and you just hope that all of your preparation will help you and your family members, friends or whomever is involved survive. Yudansha MMA will teach each women practical self defense movements for offense and defense to be used against smaller or larger opponents, and even how to properly wield and defend against weapons.

2. Confidence

Every single woman that I have trained has gotten stronger and stronger every week, every month. Looking back at videos of when they began is like night and day. Confidence and skill come through repetition and constant improvement. Most importantly though, students must have a focused resolve.

3. Stronger Body, Stronger Mind

Yudansha MMA will build supreme levels of muscular and cardiovascular endurance. Keeping your body in tip top shape not only means you may live a happier and healthier life, but your mind will become just as quick and sensitive to danger as your body.  Tough training mixed with a healthy diet and living can make you a well tuned, howbeit lady like,  machine.

Thank you for tuning in and if you have any questions about training, or if you are an instructor with any questions please leave a comment.

Benjamin Moriniere "Sensei"

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