Monday, July 22, 2013

Sensei's Secret to Losing Weight any Time you Want to.

The secret to losing weight is very, very simple. Find your MOTIVATION!

As a professional martial artist, instructor and fighter living a lifestyle that promotes fitness, I can tell you MOTIVATION is the key.  No matter the diet, no matter the plan, the only way you will see it to the finish is through sincere MOTIVATION.

So, you may say, I really don't have any motivation to do it. However, I would tell you there is ample motivation every day. My MOTIVATION for staying fit changes from time to time. When I am preparing for a fight or competition, it is very easy to lose weight and stay disciplined when you think about hopping in the ring. Being out of shape will turn your fight into the longest few minutes of your life.

However, in normal circumstances, for just people who need MOTIVATION. Let's think about a few things:


The only thing worse than spending your retirement years broke, living from fixed income due to irresponsible spending and saving, would be living your years of retirement in perpetual hospital visits due to self-induced, poor health.

Why endure so many years of stress trying to get ahead on the job, trying to properly rear up kids and taking care of everyone around you, and then lose the battle for your own health and welfare? 

Enjoy the fruits of your labor in retirement. Live a healthy lifestyle so that when you get to retirement years, you can enjoy it in good health. You earned your retirement health every single day.


Did you know the energy levels in your body critically depend on your diet. If you feel drowsy, down, or lacking energy you can probably look at your diet as the first thing to whip into shape.

With proper exercise and nutrition your energy and metabolism will sky rocket. You will have energy in reserves. Wouldn't that be awesome!


We all know that no matter how much we love our spouses, and we accept them as they are, we have all heard from them... "your butt is getting bigger." or "Why don't you take some fitness classes." 

We love our spouses and at the same time we want them to be as healthy as possible. We want a happy, healthy marital team. There is nothing wrong with that, and actually it is quite UNselfish in a sense. As a married couple, you have become one, and so their health is your health, and you WILL go through health issues together.

Find MOTIVATION through wanting to please your spouse; to be a healthier and sexier you, for your spouse.

AND yes I did say sexier! The better you feel about your body, and the better you both feel about your bodies, the better and more enjoyable time you will have with each other!


One thing we know about kids is that they love to get out there and play, run around, jump around, and express themselves in dynamic and diverse ways.  As parents we all want to get out there and have a great time with our kids. We need to be fit and energetic through working out and proper dieting to keep up though!

Lastly, your kids, the next generation, will tend to inherit our positive and negative habits. Over 70% of learning is done by observing, and some believe 50% of everything we will ever learn is by the age of 5.  Well, starting kids out as youngsters on a healthy path is something that they will hopefully be more inclined to stick with as adults.  Kids need proper nutrition just like we do. They are just little us' right?

LOSING weight and staying in shape is so easy to do when you find the right MOTIVATION. Whatever your MOTIVATION is, keep a hold of it, cherish it, and let it keep you focused as your reach towards your goals!

Benjamin Moriniere "Sensei"

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