Friday, October 9, 2015

Understanding Proper Promotions in Martial Arts

Belt promotions and stripes are a huge part of today's martial arts world. Teachers constantly struggle to update their curriculum as well as lead and guide each student towards their goals.

A promotion is a result and all results can be measured. When the promotion of a person doesn't makes sense many students will try to calculate how it happened and teachers that promote the wrong people erode the trust factor from within their own organization.

This leads to students who are disheartened by working hard only to watch more influential, but less prepared, students be promoted faster, or worst of all, the student can become disappointed in the instructor or staff completely.  At the worst levels, students begin to see what is commonly referred to as a McDojo. A McDojo is a fast paced, cookie cutter martial arts academy that is generally more interested in the bottom line than in quality students. Irregardless of a students actual ability, they may get promoted, or there may be so many stripes and belt colors that few people can figure out what is going on, other than the money is rolling in.

There can also be a clear case of nepotism or favoritism amount instructors and students. It is great to see promotions from within the ranks, and most students appreciate that. What they appreciate the most is seeing people who deserve to be promoted, get promoted.

In conclustion, teachers with proper promotion strategies are transparent in their promotion processes and students learn exactly what it takes to be promoted within that system and with that instructor. Students many learn that their instructor values their work ethic, behavior, contributions to the team or maybe community service, tournament participation and board breaking.  Every teacher is different, but every teacher can have clear standard and guides for all to follow and gauge their current level at any given moment.

Benjamin Moriniere "Sensei" " Foguete" is a professional martial arts instructor, coach, fighter, dancer, performer in Okinawa, Japan known for innovative training techniques and passionate teaching.

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