Saturday, July 9, 2016

4 Tips that Will Stop you from Being a Quitter - Stay Humble, Kick Hard

4 Tips that Will Keep you from Being a Quitter.

In today's first world we have quit built into our lives like no other time in history. We quit when our happiness fades, we quit when we have a couple of bad days in a row, we quit because it is easy and convenient. So we think.

Here are 4 tips that I hope you will use to create a better world for you and yours. A world without a quitter's mentality.

1. Remember why you Started!

Time and daily trials quickly make us take our eyes off of why we started a new job, got married, or began a new hobby like martial arts.

Remembering why you started will help you to refocus your energies back onto your goals and dreams, on what you love and are passionate about.

2. Positive People

You have got to stop listening to negative people, and taking advice from people, especially friends and family, who don't know what they are talking about.

Hang around people that add value to you through truthful, love-filled, encouraging words.

3. Never Give Up

Never give in to the pressure. The pressure is designed to make you a stronger father, mother, fighter, employee, etc.

When you go to work, and you love your job, you do everything you can to overcome, because that is what your boss expects of you. Great leaders want you to figure it out, not make excuses why it can't be done.

Likewise, if you are going to conquer the struggles in your life, then learn to figure out ways to work through your setbacks. Learning to work through your setbacks can be a victory in itself, even without actually accompishling a grand, specific goal.

4. You Will Not Be Happy Everyday

If you think or were told marriage, your dream job, martial arts, college, or anything else you love to do would bring you happiness everyday, then you are living in a fairy tale.

You have to be able to allow yourself to have bad days, not in the sense that you allow yourself to feel defeated, but that you recognize that they are a part of life.

Now, the key to harnessing this specific tip, is to realize that you can't let bad days define the totality of a relationship, with your training, or with your job satisfaction.

Learn how to shake it off fast, and not shift so much negativity towards those around you. Don't give up on the war just because you lost a few battles. This a lifelong journey.

Thank you for reading and tuning in to this blog and video.

Stop by the main website at and catch the video version as well

Benjamin Moriniere  ''Sensei''

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