Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pillow Talk - A Remedy for Aching Back Muscles

One of the most common injuries for martial artists, or any active person for that matter, are injured or inflamed muscles in the back. All of the twisting, bending and even over training in Capoeira, Jiu-jitsu, Kickboxing, Judo, etc. can really tweak your back and ruin a great day or  make your think twice about an upcoming performance or competition.

Did you know that one of the major problems for getting your back to heal faster is a SLEEPING problem? When we sleep our bodies can truly go to work healing us up, but the way we sleep can keep the healing process moving backwards.  For the most part, our neck and back alignment causes undue stress on the back muscles, which in turn does not allow them to heal as fast as they could. The body spends most of its time compensating for unnatural sleeping postures instead of healing.
Well, here comes your pillow to the rescue. Here are a couple of quick tips to use your pillow for a better nights rest while your back is recovering. Hope this helps.

Sleeping On Your Back

When sleeping on your back. Place your pillow under your thighs closer to your knees than your buttocks. This will elevate your legs slightly and cause your spine to align to a more natural curve.

Sleeping on Your Side

If you like to sleep on your side, take your pillow and place it between your thighs. This will cause your hips to align with your spine for a more natural curve.

Sleeping on Your Stomach

For those who like to sleep on your stomach, place the pillow right under you hips, or the lower part of your abs. This will cause your spine to align to a more natural curve.

I hope this helps you get better sleep at night. Most of all remember that this is for minor injuries. If there is something serious going on with your back, e.g. persistent pain for a few days, you really should consult a licensed physician. Everything contained in this blog should be used at your own risk and liability.

Benjamin Moriniere "Sensei"
Capoeira Academy Okinawa | Yudansha MMA Okinawa | Girl World Ladies Kickboxing
TEL 098-936-8883

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