Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Surround Yourself with Amazing People

As sure as their are dreamers and visionary people in this world there are people who like to rain on your parade. Mentor relationships are almost a thing of the past when it comes to rearing us to a life of character and integrity, barely even occurring from father to son or mother to daughter in our post modern, technologically advanced world. Thus hardwork and perseverance are not something that many of the younger generation look to. The older generation understood and took joy in hardwork, because they knew that is the only way to become experience true success.

So, when you set out to doing something great or out of the ordinary, as the old proverb says, "Those who would be wise, should walk with the wise."  I have found that when I lose my way in the grand scheme of things, or find myself surrounded by obstacles and hardships in life or in business, I have to connect or reconnect with Amazing People.

Amazing people are those in your life who make the room brighter by walking in. They are successful in areas in many areas of life that you would like to be, and they always have words of encouragement. Amazing people have a way of walkin you back to your path to success with a new motivation. These are the type of people that you want to surround yourself with. Negative people are looking for any trashcan to throw their trash in, but as a leader, avoid getting caught in their web of destruction. You don't have time for people say it can't be done, when you are already doing it!


Benjamin Moriniere "Sensei"

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