Saturday, June 4, 2016

5 Essential Workout Tools for People on the Go

You are busy, have places to go and things to do! However, getting a good workout in is a priority for you right, because we all know how missing a few workout days can truly dampen our mood, and set back our gains.

Here is the solution to your travel woes and the busy 15#.  These 5 items are affordable, compact, go anywhere tools that will help keep you on track! Be sure to follow my page, to get exclusive new exercises for each piece of equipment.

1.       Jump Rope

Ah, the tried and true jump rope. If you can only grab one item, then this is what you should grab. The benefits are endless, and you can mix in traditional, interval and even reactionary exercises to spice up your routines as needed. Speed up, slow down, get funky with it!

2.       Stability Ball w/ Pump

Amazingly, you can deflate a stability ball after it has been inflated, and pack the ball and your small pump into your suitcase. I know you have never thought of that! We tend to inflate the ball and leave it like that indefinitely, but yes, if you pack it up, it will only take 5 minutes to inflate it again, especially if you have a smaller ball. 

I recommend a smaller ball for busy travelers.  Instead of the huge 55-70cm range, I recommend something more in the 25-40cm range. These smaller stability balls give you instant access to challenging exercises that will build balance, core strength, abs, arms, legs and hips.

3.       Agility Ladder

A great tool to get the heart rate going and to work on your footwork, agility, strength, endurance and balance all at the same time. Matter of fact, you can modify the rungs on the ladder to cut down on space. Instead of a 10 rung ladder, try a five rung ladder and work on moving forward and backward, or building the directional changes into your footwork.

4.       WearBands

One the most awesome and effective breakthroughs in portable exercise equipment in a long time. Wearbands provide a go anywhere, do anything challenge in speed, agility and power. The bands keep your legs and core activated at all times i.e. there is no cheating with Wearbands on, which can increase the same workout by 25%, or cut your regular workout time by 25% for those who have busy schedules. Grab yours today at and use my code "wearbandssensei" to get a 10% discount.

5.       Bungee

A tool I use almost everyday to enhanc-ify what could seemingly be a normal workout. It packs tight and comes in various thicknesses and amounts of resistance.  I tend to like the tough bungees with around 100lbs of resistance, because I do a variety of martial arts movements. However, you will want to get the one the best suits your workout needs.

Busy people still love to work out, and through today's crazy, awesome gadgets we can all do the more efficiently. I hope you enjoyed the blog. Please leave a comment below. I would like to know what you thought about this blog, or answer any questions you may have. If you would like me to address a certain topic as well, please let me know.

Benjamin Moriniere "Sensei"
Martial Artist and Entrepreneur in Japan

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